The Language of Intuition

intuition ·  immediate cognition without reasoning

It starts with a hint. A silent urge under the surface that beckons the question, “But what if…” And for most of us, that momentary thought fleets as we reassume our role as the employee, the daughter, the fiancee. 

It’s our subtle compass, our soul’s call for more than the mind is ready to comprehend. And unless it’s calibrated, the voice is often quiet and confusing. Its call can sometimes sound like fear, or some hesitation to let yourself feel good. Because often times logic can’t fathom risking something good for something great. 

I spent most of my twenties making decisions that I thought were for me. It had the flavor and backdrop of my desires, but was muted to be digestible for others. Without knowing it, I was still caught in other people’s orbit. I even had these hints along the way, right before I was going to make a big decision: getting married, moving countries. This voice saying, “What if there’s another path entirely.”

For years, I chose not to listen. When life is good and stable, it takes a pretty big wave rocking the boat to make one reconsider their trajectory. As time rolls on and you choose not to listen to that voice, the boat fills up a little more… and a little more from each wave of instability.  Each one causing a momentary flashback to those “what if” thoughts.

Stability is a funny thing. We can think it comes from money, from long term friendships and relationships, or from a place that holds us that we call home. But at any moment, these things can change without warning. People shift, places get destroyed, and money can switch its flow of direction. And although we have a very active role in manifesting our environment, nature’s free will deals the cards. It’s in our interpretation of these cards that we can alchemize our own environment to our liking. In all of this, my comfort has become this embodied knowing that I am at home wherever I go. We are the only company that we are guaranteed to have for the rest of this incarnation. It is our duty to ourselves to make the space between our head a good place to live in.

2023 was the year of my boat filling up. All of the things I thought I wanted in life started to weigh my boat down past capacity. It brought me to a shadowy place of deep contemplation. In this still space, my intuition was gifted amplified volume as my heart’s compass began to steer my ship out of the storm. Darkness turned to power as I learned to love riding the waves of radical change. 

It got to a point where my gravity was strong enough to sling myself out of my conditioned cycles and throw myself into my own orbit. It’s in this that I have found the most rewarding sisterhood and connection. I feel closer today to my people than ever before. I am safe to be held, to be seen, to be loved unconditionally. When you are unapologetic about your interests and desires, your people find you. Don’t mask it, even for a second. 

I used to think that polarity was a weakness. A divisive manipulation in the Maya to keep us separate from our God-self and each other. I’m at a place now where I’m a bit more comfortable with polarity. It’s a major component of the universe that we currently live in. When we experience our actions repelling others, it’s easy to see the negative side of the coin. Simply put, our human nature compels us to tribe together for survival. But as we fearlessly, shamelessly shine our light, albeit too bright for some, we call in the light of resonance to the highest degree. 

As I find myself on the other side of the storm, surrounded by this pure, radiant light, I am humbled now at just how clear this language of intuition can be channeled. When we give our soul urges validation, they just keep coming. Louder, Clearer, Stronger. 

As the waves come, and come they will, use them as a way to recalibrate your compass. To listen closely, and to hone your voice. I vow to continuously live in the pursuit of never questioning “what if.” But instead, fearlessly following the hearts call to the ends of the earth. 

Update: I met with a friend the other day. I was telling her of the building I keep dreaming of in the Himalayas and my quest to find it. Her response caught all my emotions in a lock at the throat center-“Maybe it’s not something you have find but something you have to create.”


You can always go back 


india :: a love letter