india :: a love letter
The vibrancy of this nation, a mysterious tapestry that would take a hundred lifetimes to understand.
Maybe that’s why reincarnation is so alive here.
The multidimensionality of existence can only be explained by the opportunity to live within this web
time and time again.
A dance of different stories, weaving in and out with one other.
All here to experience the full range of human emotion.
The thrill of falling in love,
the sorrow of losing a loved one
all just temporary filters on this human experience.
Let me see all the colors.
Let me feel all the waves.
Let me prove to myself how unshakable I can be.
A place of power, resiliency, and depth.
Seeing scenes fly by me as my braid dances in the wind.
Of all the bodies I could have chosen
It is this one.
How could it be any other way?
This journey of mine is just as divine as the stars in the sky.
This dance between
east & west
masculine & feminine.
—I am everything all at once.